Leonard Rice Memorial Scholarship Foundation

Leslie retired from LRE-Water in 2012 after 40 years of service.  While there, he helped establish and run the Leonard Rice Memorial Scholarship Fund.

In honor of our founder Leonard Rice (1932–2005), the Board of Directors of Leonard Rice Engineers, Inc. established the Leonard Rice Memorial Scholarship Fund (LRMSF). In addition to founding and presiding over the company that bears his name, Lee was passionate about water resources and did much to further consulting engineering in Colorado and in the nation. This fund is dedicated to supporting education around engineering and water resources, as a way to honor the man, his values, and the power of dedication to a cause.

Each year the LRMSF evaluates opportunities to support engineering and water resources education. Since 2005, we have contributed $6,000 each year to the Scholarship Committee of the American Council of Engineering Companies of Colorado (ACEC/CO) to fund the top scholarship awarded to an undergraduate engineering student of a Colorado engineering school. Additionally, $1,000 has been donated to the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) to fund their annual Small Firms Council Scholarship. In 2022 the LRMSF Board added a new scholarship to the mix, contributing an additional $7,500 each year to the ACEC Research Institute to fund the Lee Rice - LRE Water Scholarship.

The LRMSF is a 501(c)(3) public charity, and contributions may be deductible for income tax purposes.

Read more and make a contribution: https://lrewater.com/resources/12